# Libre-Chip Libre-Chip is a project for creating [Free/Libre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_software) computer chips, such as CPUs/GPUs and their supporting software. More content is coming soon! * Sign up for Announcements by joining us on [our Forum](https://forum.libre-chip.org/) * Join our discussions on [our Forum][forum-general] and enable notifications for [General][forum-general] (click the bell icon). * Join us on [our Git instance](https://git.libre-chip.org/) * Chat with us at [#libre-chip:matrix.org](https://matrix.to/#/#libre-chip:matrix.org) or at #libre-chip on [OFTC IRC](https://www.oftc.net/) * If you're interested in supporting us, sign up for announcements and we'll announce when we're ready! * We have a [Code of Conduct](Conduct.md) [forum-general]: https://forum.libre-chip.org/c/general/4